Do you hate noises? Like, loud crunching noises and tiny sounds? YUP. YOU HAVE IT.
Do small sounds like chewing, coughing and slurping drive you batcrackers? Maybe you have Misophonia. It is a real thing.

As in, it's an actual neurological condition, characterized by "excessively negative and immediate emotional and physiological responses" to certain sounds. This can totally destroy your ability to live like a normal person.
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Listen to this recording of a woman eating carrots. Does it make you want to die?
Is this picture of this smug couple eating pretzels low-key hurting you?

Yup, that's Misophonia, too.
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So WTF is Misophonia? Misophonia, otherwise known as "selective sound sensitivity syndrome," is characterized by feeling a deep irritation and anger at certain sounds.

What are those sounds? WELL, according to a 2013 study of 42 people who reported having misophonia, eating sounds, like lip smacking and swallowing; breathing sounds including nostril flaring sounds and sneezing; and annoying office things like typing and pen clicking.
Misophonia can be a serious condition for sufferers, who say they feel anxiety, anger, panic, and rage when they hear their trigger sounds. According to Researchers at the University of California, San Diego, "trigger sounds, compromis[e] their ability to complete everyday tasks and engage in healthy and normal social interactions."
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