2016年10月11日 星期二

16 Dog Costumes That Are So Dumb But You Want Them Anyway


Iced Coffee Pet Costume, $18.99:

Iced Coffee Pet Costume, $18.99:


Kristin: WHO'S AN ADORABLE SEASONAL SUGAR BOMB?! YOU AREE! IT'S YOUUUUU! I'm gonna misspell my name right on your butt.

Amazon.com / Via amazon.com

Octopus Dog Halloween Costume, $69.99:

Octopus Dog Halloween Costume, $69.99:

Kristin: This dog already knows I'm gonna call him OCTO-PUPPY all night, so he pre-emptively pooped in my shoe.

Chrissy: That is the cutest octopus puke I've ever seen.

Etsy.com / Via etsy.com

Dora the Explorer Dog Costume, $14.99:

Dora the Explorer Dog Costume, $14.99:

Kristin: This dog doesn't realize it, but the more upset he looks in this costume, the more I realize how much I need it.

Chrissy: Dora the Explorer? Looks more like Dora Is Regretting Wearing This Tiny-Ass Backpack Because She Didn't Pack Enough Snacks To Sustain Her For An Entire Night Alone In The Woods Now That She's Lost Without Wi-Fi.

Party City / Via partycity.com

Snooki Jersey Shore Dog Costume, $39.99:

Snooki Jersey Shore Dog Costume, $39.99:

Kristin: One set of human boobs for my dog, please!

Chrissy: If a poof is on a dog is it called a "woof?"

DogHalloweenCostumesShop.com / Via doghalloweencostumesshop.com

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