I have big pores and I cannot lie! I also have fine lines and wrinkles, acne, and honestly, the overall texture of my skin just kinda sucks (thanks, life). I’d try anything at least once to get awesome-looking skin, or to make it appear less awful. So when I heard about the PMD Pro I was so curious to try it. It’s a safe at-home way to give yourself a microdermabrasion, which is basically a gentle way to sand your face. Just like sandpapering furniture, if it's done gently and correctly, microdermabrasion can be great for your skin. It’s also normally expensive AF to get it done by your derm or esthetician, so an at-home option seems AMAZING to me.
The PMD has a spinning disc and a calibrated vacuum that you very gently glide across your face. The sanding disc combined with the suction of the vacuum can help brighten, smooth, and even skin tone and texture, reduce fine lines and wrinkles, blemishes, and enlarged pores — giving you the kind of #nofilter skin you’ve only ever dreamed of.
The key is that you need to ease into it. Start off with the gentlest exfoliation disc, which is the grey training disc, learn how to move it across your skin, and never, ever, leave it in one place for too long. You slowly upgrade to the colored discs (I’ve been using this for about a month now and I’m just starting the second disc). I use it about once a week, but you should really gage your skin’s reaction to determine a schedule. Once every other week might work best for especially sensitive skin. I see a bigger difference in my skin than what I’ve noticed with any other cream, machine, medicine...anything! I’m gonna keep it up and I’m basically convinced that by Christmas I’ll look like porcelain doll! —Elena Garcia
from As/Is https://ift.tt/2yGq0c2