They all have collagen and vitamin E, but each ones has it's own unique ingredient too, namely aloe, herb, aqua, charcoal, pearl, platinum, snail, hyaluronate, cucumber, green tea, gold, Q10, white, vitamin, royal jelly, etc.
Get the set of 16 different varieties from Amazon for $10.69.
Promising review: "So it's winter here in Michigan, so my skin gets EXTREMELY DRY and I break out because of it. I've tried all sorts of oils, facial cleansers, scrubs, you name it, to get rid of my acne. I've recently got it bad on my chin and it's super embarrassing. So I decided to dry out these face masks. I was a bit skeptical at first because they're so cheap and you get 16 of them and I also didn't know the ingredients.. But, hey, gotta try things sometimes ya know? So I got them and immediately after using one, I saw results the next day. I've been using them every other day or every two days, and all that's left is scarring, no pimples, and my face is extra glowy. I love these and I would DEFINITELY buy again." —Taylor
from As/Is https://ift.tt/2KjSdd6