What do you admire about your Mom?
Lizzy: So much. We love her to bits. We actually recently heard that accessorizing is genetic and our mom has shoeboxes full of jewelry and belts.
Anita: I used to go to estate sales and thrift stores. My own mother was very resourceful. She was a designer. She would go to the movies with a notepad and she would sketch whatever she saw on the screen and within two days you’d see that dress on her.
Venus: My mom is one of the strongest people I’ve ever met. On the way home from work yesterday, I was so tired and hungry and I thought, “How the hell did mom do it AND raise us? I can barely take care of myself!”
What do you admire about your daughters?
Anita: That they turned out to be such incredible young ladies, doing what they have a passion for without allowing anyone to stop them. They have the strength that I wish I had had at their age, to pursue my passion. I feel like I’ve done my job as a mom.
Have you ever been through any difficult times that you navigated together?
Lizzy: Yes. My Mom was married to our father for a long time, but then she came out as a lesbian.
Anita: It’s who I had been all of my life.
Lizzy: Right, but back then you had to conform to what was expected. At a certain point she pulled us to one side and said, “What would you say if I told you I was gay?” and I said, “I wouldn’t have a problem with that.” Then she looked at me and said, “Well I am,” and for some reason I was really shocked!
Anita: It was always something that I kept hidden because my mom used to abuse me because of the way I was. I didn’t understand why until much later on. She explained that she didn’t understand how to deal with a gay daughter. She thought beating the hell out of me and shock treatment was going to make me “normal.” I don’t think she was trying to dislike me, she was trying to change me, but it didn’t work. In all my life she never told me that she loved me. All she did was hurt me. I’m not going to continue, because I will become too emotional...
from As/Is https://ift.tt/2UNONUK