This is another favorite for my sensitive skin. This is literally the only moisturizer out of all the ones I've tried — and I've tried a lot — that doesn't leave my skin burning or tingling after applying. Oh, and also, it has seriously cleared my skin, win/win. For real, I've been dealing with super dry skin since the weather started getting colder in the fall. I've always had sensitive skin, but this year, my skin was feeling EXTRA sensitive, and even simple things like applying makeup was burning my skin. This stuff has helped tremendously. It moisturizes my skin gently, doesn't burn like so many other expensive/name-brand moisturizers I've tried, and has also helped clear-up my breakouts, which was a very unexpected, but highly welcomed surprise! This stuff is free of fragrance and oil, is hypoallergenic, non-comedogenic, and non-irritating.
Promising review: "If you are doubting this product, stop what you are doing and buy it right now. It WILL change your life. I had SEVERE eczema on my face and it was incredibly painful: I had red, inflamed, itchy, flaky, and disgusting skin. I tried everything, from organic to high-priced products, and nothing worked until I picked up a $2 sample of this at Walgreens after reading the reviews online. Well, it is a miracle product. My face feels amazing. I use it twice daily, and my eczema is gone. It has also diminished my acne breakouts by 98%. I also want to add that I didn't get anything for free or was asked to do this review, I just honestly needed to share my experience." —Susana Rodriguez
Get it from Amazon for $15.06.
from As/Is https://bzfd.it/2GsaExj