If you have to wear a bra, you may as well enjoy it.
Trying to find a bra that fits you ~perfectly~ can be a disaster.
instagram.com / Via realitytvgifs.tumblr.com
Even if you whip out a tape measure, things can go awry.
Bubzbeauty / Via youtube.com
But there's a trick to finding the best bra for your girls, and it's called sister sizes. Essentially, sister size bras have the same cup capacity even though they're different sizes.
"By going down in the band size and up in the cup size, the cup capacity of the bra will remain the same," Christina Faraj Savarese, the Bra Fit Expert, tells BuzzFeed Life.
You may actually fit into a sister size better than your ~measured~ size depending on the bra you're trying on and the shape of your ta-tas.
"You can adjust your bra size and still get the same or similar fit. For example a sister size of 34C is 32D," Faraj says.
from BuzzFeed - Style http://ift.tt/1Kt62l9