2021年7月30日 星期五

This Makeup Artist Is Going Viral For Her Celeb Transformations, And They're Freakishly Accurate

BTW, her TikToks are so popular, they've earned her nearly 600,000 followers on the app.

from BuzzFeed - As/Is https://ift.tt/3BVeFDQ

2021年7月28日 星期三

2021年7月27日 星期二

My Husband Refuses To Get The COVID Vaccine Because Of Ridiculous Conspiracy Theories — WTF Should I Do?

THE RULES: All DMs sent to me are for publication on BuzzFeed only. I'm not able to respond to individual messages or provide any advice one-on-one. You must be 16 or older to submit a question. Also, please try to keep your DMs concise; the whole message must fit into a single screenshot or it will not be selected.

from BuzzFeed - As/Is https://ift.tt/3BIOgci

2021年7月26日 星期一

This Photographer Has Tips For Even The Most Awkward Posers, And We're ✍🏼

If you want to keep up with David and his journey, you can follow him on TikTok, Instagram, YouTube, and Facebook, or visit his website to book a session. You can also follow Lucero on Instagram.

TikTok videos not playing for you? You might need to change the settings on your device — here's how.

from BuzzFeed - As/Is https://ift.tt/36YKAFg

2021年7月21日 星期三

Women Are Sharing The Ridiculous Things They've Been Called Out For — Because Apparently, Only Men Are Allowed To Do These

You can read the full thread of responses on Reddit.

Note: Some responses have been edited for length and/or clarity.

from BuzzFeed - As/Is https://ift.tt/36SMqHv

2021年7月17日 星期六

Women Are Sharing When They Realized Their Boyfriends Love Them, And It's So Pure

Women Are Sharing When They Realized Their Boyfriends Love Them, And It's So Pure

"I checked my cash app and it said 'love language.'"

from BuzzFeed - As/Is https://ift.tt/3iourOr

2021年7月15日 星期四

17 People Who Realized Their Ex-Boyfriend Actually Hated Them

17 People Who Realized Their Ex-Boyfriend Actually Hated Them

"He cheated on me and told me I manifested it." 🙃

from BuzzFeed - As/Is https://ift.tt/3eolWSv

2021年7月14日 星期三

This Small Business Owner Made Over $11,000 In One Week After Going Viral On TikTok, And She Shared How

Like many small businesses that found success online in the last year, Emme Essentials debuted at the beginning of the pandemic. "It was our first year living in New York City – across the country from our families – and we had no idea when it would be safe enough to see them again," Erica told BuzzFeed. "At this point, we really started to miss home, but not just the people or the places we were used to. We missed the feeling of home, our heritage, and being able to connect to our culture as Asian Americans."

from BuzzFeed - As/Is https://ift.tt/3elvIon

2021年7月13日 星期二

Blind People Are Revealing What They Find Physically Attractive In A Partner, And It's Fascinating

You can read the full thread of responses on Reddit.

Note: Some responses have been edited for length and/or clarity.

from BuzzFeed - As/Is https://ift.tt/3i4lUAd

2021年7月11日 星期日

Women Are Sharing Experiences That Are Seen As “Normal” For Women But Shouldn’t Be Normalized, And It’s Sparking An Important Conversation

27. "Being assertive gets labeled as bitchy or bossy. Men don’t get called bossy. Men don’t get called emotional either, but they are the emotional ones. You have to be on guard and make sure you say just the right thing when turning down any romantic gesture from a man so that you don’t hurt their feelings and send them into a rage."

"You're also expected to do everything — work full-time, cook, clean, service with a smile. I sound like I’m complaining, and, strangely, I'm not. 

It is all normal because this is the world we live in, and it’s okay not to fit these norms. It only took me 40-something years. But I do not care anymore, other than when my safety is concerned. I’m tired." —u/luckystars143

from BuzzFeed - As/Is https://ift.tt/3yCwdCi

2021年7月8日 星期四

I Followed Travis Barker's Workout Routine For A Week, And It Was Actually Not What I Expected At All


I really respect Travis's workout routine, as it consists of a little bit of everything. I didn't get bored at all during this week of workouts because every day brought on a new challenge. 

Despite some of the workouts feeling like they dragged on forever and being very different from my preferred style of working out — which consists of mainly strength training — I still enjoyed trying out Travis's gym regimen. It's no joke, and I can see where he gets his strength and stamina from.

from BuzzFeed - As/Is https://ift.tt/3yFWQ9x

2021年7月6日 星期二

This Dancer's Pizza-Eating Pole Routine Went Viral, But She Doesn't Want You To Think Dancing Is Always That Easy

If you'd like to keep up with Lilly, you can follow her on Instagram and OnlyFans.

Her TikTok account, which was a backup for the one deleted, has been banned. 

from BuzzFeed - As/Is https://ift.tt/3jOLfRb

Caroline Calloway — The "Scammer" Influencer — Has Officially Started Selling "Snake Oil" Skincare Products For Up To $250

She then revealed the Snake Oil bottles, complete with the funnels she uses to fill them right in her own apartment.

from BuzzFeed - As/Is https://ift.tt/2VinF5j

2021年7月5日 星期一

Decorate This Room Like A Cheugy Millennial And We'll Guess Your Mental Age

Decorate This Room Like A Cheugy Millennial And We'll Guess Your Mental Age

Design a room you'll live, laugh, ~love~.

from BuzzFeed - As/Is https://ift.tt/3hAEwaJ

2021年7月3日 星期六

Women Are Sharing Their Cringiest “I’m Not Like Other Girls” Story, And TBH They're A Little *Too* Relatable

13. "'Describe yourself with one word.' My response was, 'Bad with numbers.' I personally thought it was the most hilarious joke ever. My teacher immediately moved on. No one laughed at all."

"I assumed no one got the joke. They did, it's just that I wasn't funny. Maybe they really didn't get it, though. We were in fourth grade, and I stole the joke from my grandfather — who was an extremely hilarious but very dry guy who loved to read Nietzsche, Mark Twain, Jewish and Roman history, New Testament scholarship, and listen to classical music on cassette tapes.

I had extremely low self-confidence as a child and just automatically thought, as usual, that I said something fucking stupid because I was an idiot." —[deleted]

from BuzzFeed - As/Is https://ift.tt/3qHqTLa

2021年7月1日 星期四

We Tried Spicing Up Our Wardrobes With Clothing Subscription Boxes, And Here's What We Learned

Finally: thredUP ($10)

ThredUp is an online consignment and thrift store. You can shop regularly, or opt for one of their goody boxes, which is what we tried! The goody boxes cost $10 for shipping, and if you keep any clothes, you get that $10 subtracted from your total. They send you 10 items, then you get to try them on, keep your favorites, and return what you don't want.

from BuzzFeed - As/Is https://ift.tt/2UWP10y