Friction is any sort of barrier that gets in the way of you making that purchase. In turn, retailers try to make it as easy as possible to get you to hit buy. This might include ponying up for a free shipping subscription — think Amazon Prime or Sephora Flash — bookmarking your favorite items, creating wish lists, saving your shopping cart, and checking out using a preloaded card. All these are cleverly devised strategies retailers use to urge you to spend in the here and now.
How to really save: Well, you can add friction on your end. Add more steps to the shopping process by clearing your shopping cart before closing out the browser window, or — yes —make it hard for you to pay. Input your credit card info manually instead of using, say, a digital wallet, PayPal, or Google Pay.
Hit "pause" and ask yourself if you can really afford something or if you really need it. A popular tactic is a 30-day challenge. If it’s something you don’t need or can wait a little longer before buying, see if you can wait 30 days.
If that seems a bit too intense, shorten that waiting period to 14 days or a week. Chances are you might have second thoughts. And that “me want now” feeling will pass.
from BuzzFeed - As/Is