Because I'm someone who tends to buy waaay too much during trips to the grocery market (10 jars of pickled beets might come in handy, right?), about one week a month I go on what I call a "cook what I have in my pantry" challenge.
I take a peek at what's creeping in my kitchen and make do. My friend Sarah, who is the queen of making borderline-bougie meals from whatever ingredients she has in her kitchen, gave me this idea.
Sadly, this hardly feels like a challenge because, by month's end, I usually still have quite a bit of food left. It also can be fun coming up with dishes with whatever's in your fridge and pantry. While what I come up with is a far cry from anything notable, my "cook with what you have" culinary concoctions are edible, and sometimes even tasty.
Pro tip: Not sure what to do with that one onion and a can of tomatoes? The Tasty app (iOS and Android) has a feature in its search menu called "What's in your kitchen?" that will suggest recipes for you based on a few items you have lying around.
from BuzzFeed - As/Is