2021年9月17日 星期五

11 Ways I've Saved On Groceries That Have Nothing To Do With Lists

Because I'm someone who tends to buy waaay too much during trips to the grocery market (10 jars of pickled beets might come in handy, right?), about one week a month I go on what I call a "cook what I have in my pantry" challenge. 

I take a peek at what's creeping in my kitchen and make do. My friend Sarah, who is the queen of making borderline-bougie meals from whatever ingredients she has in her kitchen, gave me this idea.

Sadly, this hardly feels like a challenge because, by month's end, I usually still have quite a bit of food left. It also can be fun coming up with dishes with whatever's in your fridge and pantry. While what I come up with is a far cry from anything notable, my "cook with what you have" culinary concoctions are edible, and sometimes even tasty. 

Pro tip: Not sure what to do with that one onion and a can of tomatoes? The Tasty app (iOS and Android) has a feature in its search menu called "What's in your kitchen?" that will suggest recipes for you based on a few items you have lying around. 

from BuzzFeed - As/Is https://ift.tt/3nCMGnM

