2020年2月23日 星期日

I Tried Chrissy Teigen's Skincare Routine For 30 Days And Here's What Happened

Frazer Harrison / Getty Images / BuzzFeed / Farrah Penn

Hi all, my name is Farrah and I'm pretty interested in skincare, especially when it comes to celebrities. Of course, some celebs have access to expensive products or certain skincare doctors (see: fillers, Botox, peels, lifts, etc.), but others are pretty forthcoming about their routines: like Chrissy Teigen!

Frazer Harrison / Getty Images

Not only does Chrissy Teigen have *chef's kiss* perfect skin, but she's talked about certain things she's does to keep it lookin' clear and glowy. Personally, I appreciate her transparency when it comes to breakouts. EVEN CELEBS HAVE TO DEAL WITH PIMPLES.

After doing a little bit of research, I found some things Chrissy uses in her skincare routine:

So, for 30 days, I decided to discard my typical routine in favor of trying out Chrissy Teigen's skincare regimen!

When it came to face wash and lotion, Chrissy says she's not a stickler for a certain product. This meant I had a little more leniency in the routine. So, since Chrissy Teigen's makeup artist uses Tatcha's oil to prep her face, I decided to try Tatcha's starter kit for normal/oily skin. I figured I would use the cleanser that came in this kit with the Foreo device, since you're supposed to use it in place of a washcloth.

When I first opened the Foreo Luna 3, I literally thought it was the most EXTRA skincare tool I'd ever seen. First, you had to download an app to get it to turn on. That annoyed me because not everything in life should require a freakin' app. Also, it took me a week before I realized that you could operate the Luna 3 without having to access the app with wet-ass hands — but that was my fault for not reading the directions very well. It was a big change from washing my face with a washcloth.

Farrah Penn / BuzzFeed

The Foreo Luna 3 can be purchased for $200 from Foreo.

The Tatcha Rice Polish was a good exfoliant, so I limited myself to using this twice a week. It pours out like sand, but then you add water and it froths right up. This was more enjoyable to use with the Foreo device (more on that in a sec) because I felt like I was getting a deep clean.

Farrah Penn / BuzzFeed

Tatcha's Rice Polish can be purchased for $65 from Tatcha.

As an everyday face wash, Chrissy has said she's used iS Clinical Cleansing Complex in the past. This felt really slippery (but gentle) when I washed my face twice a day, and it didn't cause any aggressive stripping of my skin.

I ended my nightly skincare cleanse by applying Tatcha's moisturizer on my skin. I quickly realized I hated using this during the day because it made me look SO oily, so I switched to my regular CeraVe moisturizer for daytime use and only used this at night. I used Tatcha's "The Essence" every day/night after I washed my face, and I felt like I got an extra boost of hydration. Finally, I treated myself to Chrissy's fave Glam Glow mask once a week.

Farrah Penn / BuzzFeed

Tatcha's Water Cream can be purchased for $68 from Sephora, Tatcha's "The Essence" can be purchased for $95 from Tatcha, and Glam Glow's Gravity Mud Mask can be purchased for for $25 from Sephora.

Here's a picture I re-created with Glam Glow's Gravity Mud Mask. Just two ladies relaxin'.

Here's what my skin looked like before I started with Chrissy's routine. I didn't have any breakouts (more on that in a min) and my skin was oily. I also had some hyperpigmentation marks on my cheeks.

Here's what my skin looked like after I used the Foreo Luna 3 device for the first time. The bristles had a silicone texture, so it took me a while to get used to it. I felt like it gave me a deep clean, though. You can also use the settings in the app to massage your skin in different ways, and it walks you through what you should be doing. Did I think the pulse vibrations would win the war against anti-aging? No, but I was down to give it a shot.

I was off to a rough start during the first week. I'm not sure my breakouts were caused by the new products, being on my period, or both. But it definitely was not ideal! I also wasn't brave enough to do a hydration face mask on the plane out of fear of bothering my plane neighbors, so I waited until I was home to let that moisture in.

Things were clearing up during Week 2, and I was honestly VERY impressed with how things were going! I thought my skin was looking brighter and less tired.

I was certain I would hate using the Luna 3 device, but it actually grew on me. It felt like it was really clearing out all the dirt and oils in my pores, and my skin was looking a lot more balanced. The Glam Glow Gravity Mud Mask is one that you peel off. I'm not a *super* big fan of peeling masks, to be honest. It was nice to have a little moment of self-care every week, though!

*A PRP (Platelet Rich Plasma) facial involves extracting platelets from your blood, which is drawn while your face is numbing with the numbing cream. It is then injected back into the skin through the microneedling process, as pictured above. This apparently slows the aging process, giving you a youthful and radiant appearance by helping to stimulate collagen so that the skin can repair and rejuvenate itself. This has also been called the Vampire Facial.

By the time I left, I looked like I had the worst sunburn. I went straight home, where I was told to apply the remaining platelets (as seen in that syringe) on my face for four hours before washing it off with a gentle face wash. My post-care instructions said to keep the area hydrated with hyaluronic acid and rose water for the next 48 hours.

Farrah Penn / BuzzFeed

By the way, the PRP microneedling facials are $150 at The Skin Agency. I chose this place in particular because it's where I go to get laser hair removal, and I love it! It's clean, chic, and everyone's really nice. And I did not get paid to say that.

Here's what I looked like with the platelets on my face versus when I washed it off four hours later:

OK, here's where things began to go downhill — 24 hours later, my redness was almost gone, but I began getting annoying whiteheads on my chin!!! I figured this was part of the purging process, but still! The photo on the right is 48 hours after the facial, where I continued to break out on my chin.

And here's a super close-up of my chin 24 hours and 48 hours after. YIKES!!!!!

It took a full week for my skin to somewhat clear up from THE PURGE. I made sure to drink tons of water to help the rejuvenation process and to help my breakouts go away. I think the facial provided subtle changes. My under-eyes don't look as deep or dark, and my forehead looks a lot smoother.

After copying Chrissy's skincare routine for the fourth week, I noticed a tiny bit of a difference. Here are the before and after photos from the front. The lighting is a tad bit different, but I did my best.

You can see a bigger difference in these next pictures. I know it's impossible to actually shrink your pores, but they do appear to look smaller. My skin feels more polished, and some of the hyperpigmentation is faded.

So, what did I learn from this? While I didn't expect Chrissy to use drugstore products, it's still a hefty bill for skincare. At the same time, I get it! Taking care of your skin is a worthwhile investment. My favorite products ended up being Tatcha's Rice Polish, iS Clinical Cleansing Complex, and, surprisingly, the Foreo Luna 3. But even with all of this, Chrissy still breaks out because she's human! While this was a fun experiment, at the end of the day, try new things if you want. But ultimately, do what's best for your skin!

from BuzzFeed - As/Is https://ift.tt/38SoJ1j

