"He found a local alley and told everyone he was in Italy."
from BuzzFeed - As/Is https://ift.tt/3e7aj1G
Sometimes asking a cute question like this can work, and other times it just feels like a chore, because now I'm over thinking like damn, have I ever laughed?
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To start, do you typically buy drugstore or name brand makeup?
"It’s even more magnified in men," she said. "Whether we're talking about white men or Black men. Men, in general, are a smaller percentage of this dedication. Black men [specifically] are dealing with the conversations of 'Black don't crack' and 'men don't do this.' Which is also not true."
It's also worth noting that I had to change my skincare routine during my course of treatment. Pre-Accutane, I used face cleansers meant for oily skin, but once Accutane reduced my oil production, I shifted to Cetaphil's gentle skin cleanser and have used it ever since.
Once the four-month mark hit, my skincare routine shortened to daily face cleansing and moisturizing. I no longer spent excessive time using concealer to cover up pimples, and my face's oil secretion finally leveled out so it wasn't so dry.
“Usually, yeah,” I say, aiming for cool and nonchalant, missing the mark completely when this statement is punctuated by me fumbling my fork and dropping Panera Bread mac and cheese into my lap.
“What is it?” He asks. He’s still looking at my eyes, but maybe he just doesn’t want to watch a grown woman pick macaroni shells out of her lap.
“Dots.” “Dots?” “Dots.” “Oh. They’re cool.” I’m going to call that a win.
Many people who stutter often face anxiety when it comes to speaking, and a stutter can change depending on different social situations. It's also important to note that people who stutter know what they want to say, but have a hard time physically saying it.
(These habits and tips aren't meant to be universal — since everyone is different. But I wanted to share my full experience in hopes that some or all of it would be useful!)
Take it from me: Introduce new products one at a time! If your skin has a reaction to something, you want to make sure you know which product to avoid.
I often find new products through Instagram. When I can, I try and support eco-friendly brands in my household — and that includes beauty brands with recyclable packaging and sustainable practices. Because that's important, too!
I also recommend consulting with a dermatologist, if you have access to one. They always seem to have the most amazing skin (makes sense) and they're always happy to share their secrets and knowledge, while keeping in mind what your specific skin may (or may not) need.
I'm going to go to the bar and order a Manhattan because I can. Cheers, y'all. 🍸
"Two of the most effective chemical exfoliants include salicylic acid (a BHA), and glycolic acid (an AHA). Lactic, citric, and malic acids are other very commonly used alpha hydroxy acids," she said.
"If you’ve got acne-prone or oily skin, salicylic acid is a great choice, because it’s oil-soluble — meaning it’s able to penetrate into sebum-filled pores. So it not only sloughs off some of those dead cells (which helps eliminate dullness), it dives down into the pores to release any cells that are trapped, which helps prevent acne," Lee explained.
"Glycolic acid stimulates the cells in your dermis to make hydrating substances like hyaluronic acid. This is why it’s great for treating dry, rough skin — including keratosis pilaris, that bumpy condition we sometimes call 'chicken skin.'"
"I was met with cold bitterness, and so I left the casting. I could tell the other models were just as shocked and upset after hearing the nasty comments said to my face. I left knowing that I stood up for myself, but it didn't stop the frustration and anger I felt."
Did it work? Instead of a sock, I used Robe Curls which is the same concept except instead of a sock, it's a curling headband. (It still requires the exact same technique to be done to achieve the bouncy, heatless curls.) I sprayed my hair with some water to get it a little damp as instructed, parted my hair down the middle and on each side, wrapped my hair section by section around the headband and secured it with a scrunchie.
Four hours later, I took out the headband and,t o my surprise, my hair was left with a lot of pretty flips and soft curls. It didn't create the same curls I would achieve with a hot curling iron (or the ringlets I've been seeing on TikTok) but I also wasn't mad at the results I got. It was a simple technique to achieve bouncy, flowy, pretty hair without any heat damage. I would definitely try this method again!
THE RULES: All DMs sent to me are for publication on BuzzFeed only. I'm not able to respond to individual messages or provide any advice one-on-one. You must be 16 or older to submit a question. Also, please try to keep your DMs concise; the whole message must fit into a single screenshot or it will not be selected.
Why this is harmful: Painting your face to dress up like someone of a different ethnicity makes people of color targets for mockery and disrespect. Not to mention, blackface has an extremely deplorable history in the U.S. because of its use in minstrel shows, which dehumanized Black Americans.
"I'm a woman who studied mechanical engineering (graduated in 2015). I now work in commercial insurance, essentially safety and fire protection engineering. To be honest, I've never had problems or felt discriminated against by my peers. A few of the old guys in the industry are patronizing at first until they realize I know my stuff, and I've had a few derogatory comments about my age (I look young). For the most part, though, it's been nothing but an advantage to be a woman in a male-dominated field! I have an instant bond with the few other women who are out there, and I've been recommended for promotions and leadership roles because people are always looking for even representation in leadership. I make a lot more money than most of my male friends, and my company promotes a great work/life balance (plenty of time off and excellent maternity leave). Plus I get business trips to Hawaii, so I really can't complain!
If you or someone you know has experienced sexual assault, you can call the National Sexual Assault Hotline at 1-800-656-HOPE, which routes the caller to their nearest sexual assault service provider. You can also search your local center here.
"I had no clue that I didn't have to take that money, and I was told that it was extra. It was about $4,000 every quarter. I had never had that much money at once, so I pretty much blew it on whatever I wanted. Once I graduated, I realized it was not extra, and I had to pay it back."
Note: Since I'm a (very) fair-skinned person, I can only speak to how these sunscreens might work for those with paler skin tones. I also have oily skin, so your own experience might vary if you have a darker skin tone and/or a drier complexion.
And for more stories about life and money, check out the rest of our personal finance posts.
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11. Picture this: A man proposes to his girlfriend. She says no, and they break up. Fast forward some years, and he has a new girlfriend he wants to propose to. Can he use the same ring?
Yes. Rings are expensive. No need for him to buy another one.
No. A ring that was bought for someone else should be off-limits.
For the most part, I ate a lot of the same things. For breakfast, my mainstay was oatmeal with a bit of fruit. Here's a breakdown of how much it cost:
Breakfast: Oatmeal
•Oatmeal (18 ounces): $2.69*
•Bananas (3–4; I used half per meal): 19 cents each; $.80
•Unsweetened almond milk (32 ounces): $1.99
Seven meals
2021 Total: $5.40
2008 Total: $4.90
The oatmeal was good for 18 servings, so a canister of the stuff got me through 2 weeks and then some.
Back in 2008, when I initially did this challenge, the oatmeal pretty much cost the same, and surprisingly, so did the bananas. The almond milk, however, was a smidge less expensive, at about $1.50.
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According to the American Cancer Society, Osteosarcoma is the most common type of bone cancer, and usually starts in areas of the body where the bone is growing quickly, such as near the ends of legs, arms, or around the knee. Though it can develop at any age, cases are most often found in children, teens, and young adults like Emily, and the cancer is apt to spread from its original location to other areas in the body, making both treatment and recovery difficult.
Currently, there is no known cause for Osteosarcoma.
I've also included the habits that I've seen the most financially-savvy people in my life live by.
In general, it's a good rule of thumb to focus on your three biggest expense buckets. For most people, that's food, transportation, and housing. (You'll notice that a good number of my own tips have to do with food!)
Can I dress like this every day?✨
"So long as it’s clean, safe, and consensual, I’m pretty sexually open. I don’t hide it, and I don’t tolerate attempts to shame me for having needs or taking control of meeting them. I hope that in some small way, I liberate others around me to shake off that shame and enjoy whatever a healthy sex life feels like to them." —Anonymous, England
Method #1
The standard way to go about the guilt-free budget is to decide how much you want to tuck away toward your savings and then use the rest toward your monthly spending. This only works if you have an idea of your take-home pay and your expenses.
Interestingly enough, if you set a reasonable savings goal, you might be surprised at how you manage to spend within your means. When I started using this budgeting method, I committed to saving $250 per paycheck, or roughly $500 a month.
The year was 2006, and I was bringing home about $1,900 a month. Saving 25% of my paycheck was a lot, especially when I was living on my own in Los Angeles and over a third of it was going toward my rent. Because I was set on stashing $500 a month, I looked for all the ways to cut back on my expenses and made it work.
Method #2
Subtract your outgoing (aka bills and debt) from your incoming (aka take-home pay). Whatever remains is what you have left to spend on whatever you please.
This is a slight deviation from the standard guilt-free budget. But I've found it might be more doable if you side hustle or freelance and your cash flow goes up and down.
After my bills are accounted for and I've set aside some money for self-employment taxes, I typically save a percentage of what's left over. And when I was feeling particularly ambitious, I would divvy up the rest of what remained — for instance, 25% toward retirement, 25% toward a new car fund, and 25% toward my emergency fund.
• Not looking at bank or credit card statements
• Putting off any money tasks
• Not having a clue how much money is in the bank
• Overspending
• Being late or missing bills altogether, or needing to catch up on months' worth of bills
• Have problems sticking to a budget or creating one in the first place
• Avoiding talking about money with friends or family
• Not having a clue where outstanding debt has gone
• Not tackling debt that has gone to collections
• Having bills on autopay without having consciousness around their money
In 2018, Move for Hunger reported that one in eight Americans already face food insecurity. In Indigenous communities, that rate is three to four times higher. Food deserts — residential areas with little access to groceries, especially high-quality food — have plagued low-income communities for centuries, because of the government regulations on community food programs, and restrictions on growing crops or hunting on reservation land. Basically, Indigenous communities are not only not given access to food, but they aren't allowed to grow their own crops either. "Almost one-half of all tribal area individuals had incomes at or below 200 percent of the Federal Poverty Level (FPL). Of those, 27.8 percent lived in walking distance from a supermarket, compared with 63.6 percent of low-income individuals nationwide," according to a 2014 USDA survey.
Average rents are based on data collected from July 2020 to July 2021.
Because I'm someone who tends to buy waaay too much during trips to the grocery market (10 jars of pickled beets might come in handy, right?), about one week a month I go on what I call a "cook what I have in my pantry" challenge.
I take a peek at what's creeping in my kitchen and make do. My friend Sarah, who is the queen of making borderline-bougie meals from whatever ingredients she has in her kitchen, gave me this idea.
Sadly, this hardly feels like a challenge because, by month's end, I usually still have quite a bit of food left. It also can be fun coming up with dishes with whatever's in your fridge and pantry. While what I come up with is a far cry from anything notable, my "cook with what you have" culinary concoctions are edible, and sometimes even tasty.
Pro tip: Not sure what to do with that one onion and a can of tomatoes? The Tasty app (iOS and Android) has a feature in its search menu called "What's in your kitchen?" that will suggest recipes for you based on a few items you have lying around.
"Here’s what you need to know: Yes, it really does hurt but I felt like it didn’t hurt as badly as everyone makes it seem. (Disclosure, I do have a pretty high pain tolerance.) However, the healing process is EXCRUCIATING. It takes forever — it’s been over a year for me and it’s still crusty/bloody. They are also super sensitive to pain. I have no enjoyment from nipple stimulation anymore. I actually hate when my boyfriend touches them because it’s painful and uncomfortable."
"Let me preface this by saying I have had a lot of piercings. Before piercing my nipples, I had my lower back pierced with microdermals and an industrial. Two VERY painful piercings. To this day, my nipples stand out as my most unpleasant piercing experience and remain the only piercing I will NEVER redo. The bars they put in unfortunately were too small cause they were based on my nipples when they were hard. When they got soft and flattened out the bar was too short and so it never healed and it was so painful, I didn’t even want to go back to get the bars changed. I took them out and never looked back. I also never noticed any difference in sensitivity."
"It adds up quickly, and you don't miss it. Plus if you need it, you can transfer it back fast. I know there are various apps that do this, but I find it quicker, easier, and free to do it myself."
If you'd rather have your change go to your savings automatically, you can check out apps like Qapital or see if your bank offers automatic transfers like Bank of America's Keep the Change program. Or if you're interested in investing, you can set up your Acorns account to invest your change.
This is a hard one, and to be honest, I don't have this fully figured out either. But I'm much better than I used to be. There is always more work to do, but if you're honest with yourself, it can wait until tomorrow.
This is what works for me: Every evening, before I clock out for the day, I look at what I need to do the following day and break it into chunks of time — one hour for catching up on emails, four hours to write an article, lunch, three hours of editing time, etc. Then, I set a hard end time.
There are, of course, certain days where starting early or working late are a necessity, but in most cases, the work can and should wait until tomorrow.
"First off, she was 18, so I figured the relationship probably wasn’t going to last, so I wouldn’t do it for that reason. Then, come to find out, her boyfriend had just been sentenced to life in prison. The girl was making a terrible, emotional mistake. I refused, but my coworker did the tattoo."
And for more stories about life and money, check out the rest of our personal finance posts.
And for more stories about work and money, check out the rest of our personal finance posts.
Friction is any sort of barrier that gets in the way of you making that purchase. In turn, retailers try to make it as easy as possible to get you to hit buy. This might include ponying up for a free shipping subscription — think Amazon Prime or Sephora Flash — bookmarking your favorite items, creating wish lists, saving your shopping cart, and checking out using a preloaded card. All these are cleverly devised strategies retailers use to urge you to spend in the here and now.
How to really save: Well, you can add friction on your end. Add more steps to the shopping process by clearing your shopping cart before closing out the browser window, or — yes —make it hard for you to pay. Input your credit card info manually instead of using, say, a digital wallet, PayPal, or Google Pay.
Hit "pause" and ask yourself if you can really afford something or if you really need it. A popular tactic is a 30-day challenge. If it’s something you don’t need or can wait a little longer before buying, see if you can wait 30 days.
If that seems a bit too intense, shorten that waiting period to 14 days or a week. Chances are you might have second thoughts. And that “me want now” feeling will pass.
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Which Zendaya look are you saving?
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12. Hot Take: There are too many "wedding events" outside of the actual wedding. Engagement parties, bachelor(ette) parties, bridal showers, rehearsal dinners, welcome BBQs, post-wedding brunch parties... it's gotten out of control.
Kerry Yates of Colour Collective, a hair expert and trichologist, suggests using a silk scrunchie during workouts so that you're not pulling back your hair too tightly.
Yates also recommends setting the dry shampoo with a cool blast from your hairdryer. "[With the scrunchie], loosely pull your hair back at the nape to keep it off your face during a workout," said Yates. "After working out, lightly spritz your favorite dry shampoo and then do a quick dry followed by a cold hit to smooth out any stubborn spots."
Devin Toth, a hairstylist at Salon SCK in NYC, says his clients use dry shampoo in various ways — and all of them can work well. "Some love to use dry shampoo before their workout, or right before they leave their house on a hot, humid day," Toth said. "Another client sometimes uses it at night before she goes to bed, so it doesn't appear as white the next day."
Willow said she was intrigued to try ASMR for herself after being an "avid" fan of ASMR videos for years. "Since I am an avid watcher, I kind of knew how it worked," she said. "I knew what people liked, I knew what videos did well, and I knew what I liked. And it's super easy, you don't even need a high-quality microphone. At first, I was using my Apple earbuds and then eventually I got an ASMR mic."
But first: a quick disclaimer: everyone's skin is different — so before you try anything new, do your research on the product, and sample or patch test first if you can.
THE RULES: All DMs sent to me are for publication on BuzzFeed only. I'm not able to respond to individual messages or provide any advice one-on-one. You must be 16 or older to submit a question. Also, please try to keep your DMs concise; the whole message must fit into a single screenshot or it will not be selected.
I’m from Greece, so by June, you kinda have to wear shorts unless you want to melt. I wore white shorts when my period came while I was at school. The whole class was brutal; they completely berated me for the red spot on my shorts and the hairy legs. As if that wasn’t enough, I brought party invitations that day and had to give them to everyone. The girls ripped my invitations in front of me saying they won’t be associated with a bloody hairy 'creature' like me. Luckily, my grandpa came to school the next day and raised absolute hell. He made my party super fancy and invited the families of colleagues from his businesses. It was awesome, and he let me not go to school for a week."
"I'd go to tattoo her, and she'd scream and writhe on the bed, physically wrenching her body away from me. But she'd argue with me, 'Just do it,' 'I can handle it,' 'I don't want to leave without a tattoo.'
I told her she clearly wasn't ready, it's not a big deal, and she can just come back to finish it another time. So I bandage it up (it's still a wound, after all), and she goes on her way. The whole thing was excruciating. Ironically, she did come back and get it finished a few weeks later with minimal fuss.
Getting tattooed (even a little one) can be terrifying, and I don't want to diminish anyone's anxiety. A permanent change to your body is always a big deal. However, in this case, she seemed to be playing it up for the friend she brought with her. He'd step into the front room to check his phone, then she'd start to really act up and look over to see if he noticed.
My mentor was with me during this whole process, and she was trying to let me handle it on my own, but she actually stepped in towards the end to tell my client that I could not tattoo her with her behaving this way. I was so new that it didn't occur to me I could refuse to keep going. I also suspect that that's why she came back and got it with no big deal; I insisted that she come alone." —u/deadwittingly
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"By the time I was in high school, they’d gotten really bad; I was skipping meals, binging and purging, buying packs of gum after purging to hide the breath. I only really stopped when I had a strong, supportive friend group in college, which was really good for my mental health. For the most part, I stopped. I only relapsed with purging once my freshman year and once my junior year. Even then, it’s always kind of a struggle to keep checking in with yourself and make sure you treat yourself with respect."
Cassie and Ricci are two friends who have twice the fun, and fashion inspo to share. I've been a longtime fan of their channel, ToThe9s, and over the years, it's grown to over 611,000 subscribers. From streetwear to classy finds, you'll find a little bit of everything in their clothing hauls, lookbooks, and more.
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Always wants to know where you are
OK, if you think my skin looks a little bit ~more tan~ this week, it is because it is. I had put a facial self-tanner on, and to my surprise, it didn't make me break out with these products I was using. At this point, I was really used to all of the steps and I was simplifying the nightly process by doing double cleanse, hydra balance gel, retinol every other night, and my moisturizer. In the morning, I was washing with cold water and using the discoloration treatment, followed by sunscreen.
BTW, her TikToks are so popular, they've earned her nearly 600,000 followers on the app.
THE RULES: All DMs sent to me are for publication on BuzzFeed only. I'm not able to respond to individual messages or provide any advice one-on-one. You must be 16 or older to submit a question. Also, please try to keep your DMs concise; the whole message must fit into a single screenshot or it will not be selected.
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"I checked my cash app and it said 'love language.'"
"He cheated on me and told me I manifested it." 🙃
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"You're also expected to do everything — work full-time, cook, clean, service with a smile. I sound like I’m complaining, and, strangely, I'm not.
It is all normal because this is the world we live in, and it’s okay not to fit these norms. It only took me 40-something years. But I do not care anymore, other than when my safety is concerned. I’m tired." —u/luckystars143
I really respect Travis's workout routine, as it consists of a little bit of everything. I didn't get bored at all during this week of workouts because every day brought on a new challenge.
Despite some of the workouts feeling like they dragged on forever and being very different from my preferred style of working out — which consists of mainly strength training — I still enjoyed trying out Travis's gym regimen. It's no joke, and I can see where he gets his strength and stamina from.
Design a room you'll live, laugh, ~love~.
"I assumed no one got the joke. They did, it's just that I wasn't funny. Maybe they really didn't get it, though. We were in fourth grade, and I stole the joke from my grandfather — who was an extremely hilarious but very dry guy who loved to read Nietzsche, Mark Twain, Jewish and Roman history, New Testament scholarship, and listen to classical music on cassette tapes.
I had extremely low self-confidence as a child and just automatically thought, as usual, that I said something fucking stupid because I was an idiot." —[deleted]
ThredUp is an online consignment and thrift store. You can shop regularly, or opt for one of their goody boxes, which is what we tried! The goody boxes cost $10 for shipping, and if you keep any clothes, you get that $10 subtracted from your total. They send you 10 items, then you get to try them on, keep your favorites, and return what you don't want.
"The silicone inserts (AKA sticky boobs) are what makes the most difference in my appearance, it’s what pushes my boobs together to create the cleavage line in the center. (I got the sticky bra at Walmart!) The contour around the edge of my breasts creates the illusion of a shadow, making my boobs look even bigger. All of this adds about two to three cups, depending on how well I do it," Kirsten told BuzzFeed.
Diamonds are forever!
Coach Joe told Poosh: “The goal with this session is really to loosen up the sore muscles. Each combination is one cardio move and one bodyweight or lightweight move."
As Coach Joe advised, I began with 10 minutes on the elliptical before foam rolling wherever I was sore — which was (spoiler) my entire body.
From there, I did 10 push-ups, 10 deadlifts, and 10 ball slams. Next, I did 30 side steps on the floor followed by 10 shoulder taps. The last move in this tiring circuit was 10 mountain climbers and shadow boxing with 3- to 5-pound weights. Kourtney does this circuit for three to five rounds.
Afterward, I was in shock that THIS is the workout that Kourtney does to "relieve her sore muscles." This is a hard workout in itself, and honestly, I would probably be even more sore the next day, so the cycle would just continue.
Alison also said that, because the market is so competitive, performers have to take on multiple roles. "It's a nearly 24/7 job when you consider the amount of new content we need to release every day on multiple platforms, keeping our followers engaged, filming, editing, and uploading said content, coming up with new ideas for content, chatting with subscribers all day on OnlyFans... and that just skims the surface of tasks I do each day. A good work ethic is absolutely needed to be a successful performer."
California residents can opt out of "sales" of personal data.
The collab that no one asked for.
How does the app work? The interesting thing about Yumi is that it doesn't require any of your personal details. You can also make your profile anonymous by placing emojis over your face or even blurring your entire profile picture.
Clearly, the app is trying to make people feel less weird for just wanting a little sexy time with a stranger. The only info it asks for is the general location of where you live so it can create local matches. In the app, you flip cards, and if the cards on both ends flip, it's a match — and you can message the other person.
My thoughts on it: Okay, sooo...Yumi is just as skeevy as it sounds. Granted, it's literally described as a "hookup and anonymous chat app," so I knew what I was getting myself into. But I tried my best to be optimistic with low expectations and see if there was anyone on there who had different intentions than just a "Yumi" hookup. Spoiler: I did not.
I also found the app — and its "game" to flip cards to show that you like someone — to be a little confusing. By accident I flipped cards when I meant to "x" out of them, resulting in me getting some creepy messages from guys I already wasn't into.
There was at least variety in profile photos. Some photos on there were normal selfies, while others were shirtless thirst traps. But basically, this is solely a hookup app, as most of you probably already figured by the time you got to this final conclusion.
I would love to understand the millennial obsession with babydoll dresses.
Don't lie to me, I know you had side bangs!!!
I found this article in Health Nutrition interesting, specifically this: "While sweat doesn’t actually stink, the bacteria on your skin that breaks down acids in your sweat is what produces the B.O.! You may be able to help your body along during this detox phase by applying either a clay mask or activated charcoal mask to your pits."
"I think there are a couple of common mistakes we make," Amanda told BuzzFeed. "One is using too high of a heat setting on our hot tools. Another is not getting consistent trims, which should be roughly every four to eight weeks. And if we’re talking color, constantly overlapping new color on top of previously colored or chemically serviced hair can definitely cause unwanted damage that over time will start to cause breakage."
The 24/7 National Domestic Violence Hotline can be reached at 1-800-799-7233 (SAFE) or chat with an advocate via the website.
The National Sexual Assault Hotline at 1-800-656-HOPE routes the caller to their nearest sexual assault service provider. You can also search your local center here.
If you are concerned that a child is experiencing or may be in danger of abuse, you can call or text the National Child Abuse Hotline at 1-800-422-2253 (4.A.CHILD); service can be provided in over 140 languages.
"Going light on your foundation is super important; otherwise, it'll look cakey. And I don't put it directly under my eye because I don't want a ton of product there that will crease easily," she said, adding, "You naturally have creases under your eyes, so the more product you have there, it will move into those creases and make you look older. If it's a super-drying product, it's going to dehydrate your skin and pull all of the water out, and then you'll look old too."
It's time to bring back the full face of frosted makeup.
"Apparently, the boss was a tyrant on a sinking ship, and either that was true and I should leave, or this guy is insane and I should leave. So in the second part of the interview, I declined the offer.
That set the boss off like a firework, which made me think the guy's warning was sincere. It was the first time I'd turned down a job and felt kinda empowering so her venom didn't stick."
Say it with me: Bloating is normal!
The CDC's new guidelines state that fully vaccinated people can gather indoors and outdoors without masks, unless in a crowded setting.
“If your skin is very dry, I would recommend it and it should be okay as a rescue [step]. But I would not rely on this as a daily routine," Dr. Mariwalla told BuzzFeed. "Keep in mind that different skin tones have more tightly-compacted keratinocytes or skin cells, and that can influence dryness."
She continued: "If you have oily skin, this could potentially be comedogenic and give you breakouts," Dr. Mariwalla said. "I also would stick to this mainly for the body, not the face, as it could potentially lead to oily skin and again, lead to breakouts."
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She added, "Whenever there was a character in a film that was plus size, she was always timid, naive, or the exact opposite — sexually confident and often abrasive. When there was a woman in the industry who put on weight, she was seen as a trainwreck, as mentally unwell."
In one of her videos, Rosey explains how Amy from Pitch Perfect is just a two-dimensional, shallow depiction of a fat person so that the screenwriter can make fat jokes.
We all wanted to dress like Elle Woods.
It was an interesting experience to say the least! It's definitely a Saturday night I won't forget and TBH, I let out a good laugh once the event ended and I closed my laptop for the night. If anything came out of it, it was an hour of chatting with strangers, having some sort of human connection, and everyone agreeing that the dating world right now is once again, weird and wild.
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If you're trying to cut back on impulse shopping, spend more consciously, and save money, you might want to give Daily Budget a try.
And just a note before we start: Every sex worker's story is different. Some get into the industry because they have a passion for it, others do it out of financial necessity. Some workers can stay 100% safe on the job, while others may take on risks. The following stories are the experiences of individuals and shouldn't be seen as representations of the industry or its workers as a whole.
The rules: All DMs sent to me are for publication on BuzzFeed. Because of the high volume of DMs I receive, I'm not able to respond to individual messages or provide any advice one-on-one. Also, please try to keep your DMs concise; the whole message must fit into a single screenshot or it will not be selected. Thanks!
My lack of sexual education left me feeling ashamed in so many aspects of my sex life as I got older. I was scared to communicate, I was often embarrassed, and there were even times when I thought something was wrong with me because I couldn’t orgasm. But the truth was, I didn't really know anything about my own body.
We went from the app to texting to get to know each other. When he said his favorite show was “MTV: The Challenge” and he asked me if I’ve seen the second season of "Jersey Shore" yet, I should’ve read the room.
Still, we decided to FaceTime that night instead and to my surprise, he looked years older than he had claimed he was on the app. The video chat was also weird, and aside from not feeling the chemistry, he asked me questions such as “How fast do you move sexually?” after I told him I don’t have sex on a first date. That's when I debated throwing my phone out the window. 😑
Let’s just say, we hung up and I immediately deleted the guy’s number. I went back to the app to find out that the guy unmatched me. Well, he beat me to it!
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Note: Some responses have been edited for length and/or clarity.
The rules: All DMs sent to me are for publication on BuzzFeed. Because of the high volume of DMs I receive, I'm not able to respond to individual messages or provide any advice one-on-one. Also, please try to keep your DMs concise; the whole message must fit into a single screenshot or it will not be selected. Thanks!
TikTok videos not playing for you? You might need to change the settings on your device — here's how.
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4. Asking your bridal party to make drastic alterations to their appearance before the big day (haircuts, dyeing hair, wigs, covering tattoos, etc.).
Cons: It's literally *permanent* (hence the name). So if you want your hair to be straight for a day, you have to flat iron it, and it's really hard to keep it straight. Also, it's HIGHLY recommended you do not color your hair when you have a perm. However, you can use semi-permanent color. I have been too paranoid to ruin my hair; I haven't colored it in a year, resulting in all of my greys shining through.
Lastly, it's a serious commitment. If you want to go back to your regular hair, you'd essentially have to chop off all the permed hair or flat iron it every single day.
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I can hear the bells already!
How did "daddy issues" become an insult to girls when it's men who failed as fathers?
Who else is in that weird millennial/gen z gap where you look at genzs and feel super old but also some millennials straight up don't understand your references and humor and you're oh god i don't want to sound like - hello fellow kids, it's lit (I was born in 1995)
It's about time we teach these young kids a lesson!
The rules: All DMs sent to me are for publication on BuzzFeed. Because of the high volume of DMs I receive, I'm not able to respond to individual messages or provide any advice one-on-one. Also, please try to keep your DMs concise; the whole message must fit into a single screenshot or it will not be selected. Thanks!
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"Day 310 of quarantine: Got a new dress from town when parcels were delivered."
The rules: All DMs sent to me are for publication on BuzzFeed. Because of the high volume of DMs I receive, I'm not able to respond to individual messages or provide any advice one-on-one. Also, please try to keep your DMs concise; the whole message must fit into a single screenshot or it will not be selected. Thanks!
Wash, rinse, cry, and repeat!
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"It makes people feel bad about themselves because a size that normally would fit them is suddenly way too small."
"I would like to give full credit to Heidi Lynn who owns 'Dangerously Chic' for paying for my dentures out of the kindness of her heart," Faith added.
Maybelline sent this mascara for free, but I was under no obligation to review it. All opinions are my own.
The Mindy Project? More like The Mindy Project Runway.
"I’m open to explaining why I use my pass if someone asks, but I don’t understand blatant rudeness, especially based on assumption. I always try to be kind and give people the benefit of the doubt first, and I hope more people will choose that as their first response," she added.
The rules: All DMs sent to me are for publication on BuzzFeed. Because of the high volume of DMs I receive, I'm not able to respond to individual messages or provide any advice one-on-one. Also, please try to keep your DMs concise — the whole message must fit into a single screenshot or it will not be selected. Thanks!
Note: Some responses have been edited for length and/or clarity.
TikTok videos not playing for you? You might need to change the settings on your device — here's how.
Because so many women experience yeast infections without symptoms or they treat them at home with over-the-counter medications, Dr. Cross said it's hard to measure how common they are. However, she estimates that over 50% of women have experienced a yeast infection before.
"Am I really so gay that I'm just making my face numb?"