2016年6月13日 星期一

17 Reasons Ballerinas Are Hardcore As Hell

It takes a lot of strength to look this delicate.

Ballet is a truly ~majestic~ sport.

Ballet is a truly ~majestic~ sport.

Look at that grace.


But looking this flawless does NOT come easy.

But looking this flawless does NOT come easy.



To start, you have to put the time in when you're young.

To start, you have to put the time in when you're young.

Yes, that man is pushing that little boy's foot into the floor with a cane.

Aurelie Dupont Tumblr / Via imgur.com

And you have to use torture devices like this limb-cracker aka a "foot stretcher."

And you have to use torture devices like this limb-cracker aka a "foot stretcher."

Whoever invented this is Satan.


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